Executive Board Member

Valentino Luafamlemana
My name is Valentino “Tino” Luafalemana. I grew up in Carson California. Ex-gang member, spent over 10 years in prison, and dealt with substance abuse. I was introduced to the fellowship and the 12 steps of narcotics anonymous and have been abstinent from ALL mind altering substances since July 11th 2019. I over see our Stayin’ FOUcus’d Recovery department. Our purpose is to create a safe space for individuals to get clean and sober. I currently work in Drug Treatment and attend school to obtain my certification in Drug and Alcohol counseling through CCAPP. Grateful to God for putting me in a position to help those who struggle with the same struggles I’ve struggled with. Blessed to be working alongside my Brothers of the FOU Movement to provide hope and encouragement to our community and provide resources for the chemically dependent, justice involved individuals and system impacted families.

Vice Chairman
Bell Taulua
My name is Bell Taulua aka Pineapple.I’m an ex gang member and I was in prison for 30 years.While in prison I was able to turn my life around but it didn’t come easy. I had to dig deep within myself,a lot of soul searching,commitment and dedication to be the best person I can be.Today I’m a Proud member of the FOU MOVEMENT. I’m on the Executive Board and 2nd Counselor. I lead the re-entry department of our org. I’m also a member of the Advisory Council for the Re-entry program in the city of Long Beach.I’m grateful and thankful that God has put in a position to be able to give back to our community.

Director of Operations
Peter Afemata
My name is Peter Afemata. I was born in 1979 and raised in Paramount, Ca. Son of Olomoana and Dora Afemata. I am the youngest of 8 siblings. Grew up around gangs. Started committing crime at a young age. Moved to Long Beach in 1994 and joined a gang called Long Beach Fam Bam. Graduated from Long Beach Polytechnic High School in 1997. Married Sabrina Westerlund and have 5 beautiful kids. Ahriyah, Ahlijah, Angelina, Ahqillez and Ahpollo. I am currently 1st counselor on the Executive Board of the FOU MOVEMENT. I oversee the Youth Out Reach department. We focus on youth’s mental health and needs to succeed in life. Hoping to give them more choices in life than the limited ones we had growing up. Educating them on love and respect for their peers.

Re-entry Director
Komisi Savaiinaea
My name is Komisi K. Savaiinaea,I was born and raised in San Diego,Ca.Im a proud member of F.O.U. MOVEMENT and I help oversee the Reentry Department.Im a husband,father and former lifer inmate.I been blessed with another opportunity to live free in society.From My lived experience I feel its My obligation to live and leave a positive impact where ever and however Im able today.God is good,all the time and You know the rest.Stay tuned.

Youth Outreach Director
Upumoni Ama
Talofa lava. Hello my name is Upumoni “Upu” Ama, 56, from the city of Compton, CA. I am a returned citizen after serving 24 years in prison. Today I am a proud member of the F.O.U. Movement (Fa’atasiga O Usos). @foumovement.org. I am the Director of our Youth Outreach Department. Our goals is to empower and improve the lives of the youth in our NHPI’s (but not limited to) communities. We carry out these goals through our Youth Mentorship Program and Youth Community Services. Here at the FOU Movement Youth Outreach Program, we believe that: 1- This is God’s movement 2- Everything starts at home 3- Kids don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care. I am so grateful and humbled for this Second Chance opportunity to serve and give back to the communities that l once took so much from. On behalf of the FOU Movement, thank you all for your alofa and support. “I used to think that I was a product of my environment but today I understand that I am a product of my decisions.” -FOU Movement.

Recovery Director
Ieti Lea'ea
IETI LEA’EA: Is currently a certified drug and alcohol counselor with the FOU Movement with responsibility of Director of Recovery department. Prior to joining FOU Movement, Ieti Lea’ea served as the Lead Counselor for 16 years at the Asian American Drug Abuse Residential Program (AADAPinc.org) and Outpatient Services 4 years with Drug Court/ Linc housing homelessness initiative and several other companies such as Pacifica House, PASS program, Street Smarts (city of Carson) , and Tobermans where he served as a Gang Interventionist at Summer Night Lights (SNL). He has over 20 years of counseling experience and received his education and certificate of completion from California Paramedical and Technical College in Long Beach California and is state certified as an Addiction Specialist through CCAPP/CADCA. He enjoys service to public and its community as well as Evangelistic ministries, and is currently pursuing his B.A.L.S in Theology/MFT studies with Kiaros University. His personal motto: “Having the courage that everything God starts in life will be completed by gods own hand”.